When we imagine someone saying "I have the right to my opinion" what's the first thing to come to mind? We imagine someone that's had has been discussing and arguing for a minute and they have had enough. Once those words come out someone's mouth it completely puts a stop to the discussion, as their is no way to find the answers, and  it is completely selfish and ignorant because you willingly admitted that you are not up to the challenge of finding answers. Why is not using the "right" to your opinion important though? Arguing and giving up any "right" to your own opinion saves our lives, improves our country, and secures the future for the next generations because it opens up the door for truth and answers through a discussion where we all go into it open minded. The Black Live Matter movement, COVID-19, and global warming are all serious matters that should be an open discussion where we all search for truth and answers.

    To start of with, using the "right" to your opinion on the Black Lives Matter movement, degrades the movement as a whole and one loses the opportunity to educate oneself. For example when having a discussion with someone that does not agree with the BLM movement and thinks all lives matter or blue lives matter it completely belittles the point of the BLM movement and there really is no space for you to help educate someone on such an important movement. The point of this social movement is to shed light on police brutality and racial injustices/violence that black people have to endure every single day and when someone uses their opinion that contradicts, it simply degrades the movement, as of course all lives matter but we have to put black lives first as we need to break the racial injustice that has been part of the  U.S. since the beginning of its time. When people refuse to educate themselves on the matter because it does not affect them, you lose the chance to educate yourself as well as others because once again you think your are "entitled" to your own opinion. Not only is this degrading the movement but it is an extremely toxic mindset to possess as you are not willing to learn as long as it does not have a personal impact on you but does on millions of people. In addition to the Black Lives Matter movement, people's opinion on Covid-19 not only puts themselves at danger but the people around them.

    In addition giving up the right to our opinion when taking action against Covid 19 is important because it will help protect the people around us and help keep the spread of Covid under control. Multiple people online have stated that they do not want to wear face masks because it prevents them from breathing, some have even gone to claim that mask completely inhibits their ability to breath as a whole. We also have people that simply refuse to wear a face mask because they are not used to it. Although wearing a mask may be uncomfortable to wear, at this point you have to put that opinion aside as you are not only putting your health at risk but the people you may have had contact with. Some people also do not follow the precautions that were given to slow and prevent the virus as their are some people that simply do not believe in the disease. This opinion is not only completely ignorant it is extremely false it creates a narrative that people are dying mysteriously which is extremely dangerous. When it comes to something that has affected us worldwide, it is important to put our opinions aside because this helps slow down the disease and in turn will bring us together and the future generations. Not only should we give up our opinion when discussing Covid, but we should also do the same when talking about global warming.

    Furthermore giving up the right to our opinion when discussing global warming is important because we're able to see the damage we have created and we can discuss ways of helping prevent the damage we have created. When having a discussion about global warming it is important to have an open mind because we all need to come together to find ways to reverse the damage that has already been done. If we're able to put our opinions aside we can better the world as a whole and prevent it from becoming irreversible damage. Although people are very opinionated when it comes to discussing global warming, it is important to search for the truth and facts because their is no denying that it is affecting everyone and everything. We have all seen the impact it has had on animals and places such as Antarctica where the ice caps are melting or the sea levels rising. Being able to put our opinions aside, we will be able to discuss ways to help reverse the damage. All together, we should put our opinions aside when discussing world matters.

    Whether its having everyday discussions or discussing important matters we should always go into it with an open mind, ready to discuss and find the light at the end of the tunnel. We need to be able to to put our opinions aside because it is a selfish act that does not allow one to find the answers. By going into things without an opinion we will save our lives, improve our country, and secure the future for future generations.


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The Right to Your Opinion