
Showing posts from November, 2020


 In this chapter we see the Bishop talk about how bishops always have a group of people with them, and how he does not as he is isolated. Then we get to see the author talking about success and how people that are successful have won "lottery" in a way. As they have ways to get what they want as well as having people look up to them and respect them, uses bishops as example. The way of winning this lottery though is based on how you play.


Personally this is the most confusing chapter I have read so far but what I was able to understand was we go back a couple years and see the Bishop was a baron for an empire, he would attend private conferences and because of it would be interrogated by people. We see he hated luxury as it was considered bad unless it had to do with the church and we also get to see that he had two brothers. He was considered a humble, intelligent man by others and that made people like him a lot. 


 In this chapter we see a different side of the Bishop. We see him go back and forth on whether he wants to visit them man as we know the Bishop holds judgement which is something we haven't seem do at all. He finally visits the man after hearing he would be passing and once he arrives with the man we immediately see the Bishop hold a grudge. We see them start arguing once Louis XVI is mentioned as the Bishop believed he did not deserve to get killed while the other person disagreed and believed he should have died. We see a person who is religious and of power listen and argue with an everyday person. Towards the end of their argument, we see both of them open up their mind as they release they were both in the wrong and finally listen to the others view on the idea without arguing. The Bishop then asks for the man's blessing and starts praying over him and once he looked up, the man had passed.


 One thing I personally like about LES MIS is how the author has little by little revealed the Bishop's character. Three techniques Victor Hugo used to create the effects in the story are indirect characterization, foreshadowing, and figurative language. We see Hugo use indirect characterization to slowly reveal more about the Bishop character. When we started reading we really did not know anything about the Bishop but as we kept reading we kept picking up on his character through the authors indirect characterization, such things as him putting others before him and his kindness. The author also used some foreshadowing multiple times to give us an idea of what is going to happen next, and it's things like this that keep a reader hooked. For example we see the silver utensils and candlesticks brought up as well as him leaving his house unlocked although we do not know if someone if for sure going to rob them, we can infer and assume that this is a big possibility of  happenin...


 Reading is suppose to be fun , but sometimes reading for school is a challenge. Here are four ways we can have more fun reading and do it better at the same time. When choosing a book, it is important to choose a book that calls your name and you know you will find interesting while reading. This is important because you are more likely to finish the book as you are hooked and it feels more like something you choose, like a hobby, as opposed to not liking the book and it feeling more like something you are forced to do. Let's say you find a book you don't like, it is important to understand why and acknowledge it. This helps better your knowledge and improves your reading. The third thing to improve our reading skills is to change our point of view on reading. We were taught that reading is just a test on how good we know how to pronounce words but reading is more than that. If we look into it reading is how we analyze what the author is saying through decoding and the meanin...